DrapCode is Secure, and Scalable with Facebook
Integrate with Facebook
Build platform on DrapCode and integrate Facebook as an Integration in your projects with ease.

Features provided by Facebook as an Integration
Build apps quickly with your data stored in the external datasource and use DrapCode as a 100% frontend builder.
Social Login
Enable users to sign up or log in to your platform using their Facebook credentials.
Share Button
Integrate a Facebook share button that allows users to easily share content from your platform to their Facebook timeline or groups.
Comments Plugin
Add a Facebook comments plugin to enable users to comment on content within your application using their Facebook accounts.
Messenger Integration
Incorporate Facebook Messenger integration to allow users to communicate with each other in real-time.
Ad Management
Integrate Facebook Ads API to manage and optimize advertising campaigns directly from your platform.
Group Integration
Enable users to create or join Facebook groups related to your platform's niche directly from your application.
Features provided by DrapCode as a front-end
Using DrapCode as a 100% frontend builder.
Code Export
Design a website on drapCode and you can easily export the source code once you are done making it.
Customizable UI
We provide pre-built templates and features to promote loads of customization.
Enterprise Grade Standard
We offers enterprise-grade standards, ensuring a reliable and scalable platform for building robust solutions
A single instance of the application made on Drapcode can serve multiple customers.
Self Hosting
You can easily deploy and host website using Drapcode.
Multiple Environment
Enable multiple environments such as Sandbox, QA, Pre-Prod to test your application before making it live for end users.
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Experience the power of no-code development with DrapCode Studio. Build apps visually, collaborate seamlessly, and launch faster than ever.
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