Features provided by Salesforce as a back-end

Build apps quickly with your data stored in the external datasource and use DrapCode as a 100% frontend builder.

Community and Support

Salesforce has a large community of users and developers, as well as extensive documentation and support resources.

Data Management

Salesforce offers a highly scalable and secure data management system.


Salesforce supports seamless integration with other systems and applications.


Salesforce allows for the automation of repetitive tasks through workflows, process builder, and triggers.

Analytics and Reporting

Salesforce provides powerful analytics and reporting tools that allow users to gain insights from their data.

Mobile Access

Salesforce is accessible via mobile devices through its mobile app, enabling users to access and manage data on the go.

Features provided by DrapCode as a front-end

Using DrapCode as a 100% frontend builder.

Custom HTML and CSS

If you are interested in coding, you can use javascript, custom HTML, and CSS to make your own website.

Customizable UI

We provide pre-built templates and features to promote loads of customization.

Drag & Drop

You only need to drag & drop components into the builder to start creating your own website.


A single instance of the application made on Drapcode can serve multiple customers.

Self Hosting

You can easily deploy and host website using Drapcode.

Predesigned Layouts

To establish a website, you may either design it yourself or use one of our many templates.

Start Building your web app today

Don't worry about coding. Build your app the no-code way.

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