Adalo | Drapcode


Adalo is a user-friendly no-code builder that empowers individuals and businesses to build apps tailored to their specific needs. It offers a drag-and-drop interface and a suite of tools to design, develop, and deploy mobile and web applications.

Best Features

  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: Easily create app interfaces and workflows with an intuitive visual builder.
  • Database and Backend Logic: Set up data structures and implement complex backend logic without coding.
  • Multi-Platform Development: Build apps for both iOS and Android, as well as web applications.
  • Custom Actions: Define custom actions and interactions within your app.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Connect to various third-party services and APIs to extend app functionality.

Use Cases

  • Prototyping and MVPs: Quickly create prototypes and Minimum Viable Products to test and validate app ideas.
  • Business Process Automation: Streamline workflows and automate business processes with custom apps.
  • Mobile Apps: Develop mobile applications for a wide range of industries, such as healthcare, education, or e-commerce.
  • Web Apps: Create web-based tools, dashboards, and platforms tailored to specific requirements.
  • Community and Social Platforms: Build social networks, forums, or community-driven platforms.


No-Code Approach: Adalo is user-friendly and accessible to non-technical individuals, enabling them to build complex apps.
Customization: Offers extensive customization options for app design and functionality.
Multi-Platform Support: Develop apps for iOS, Android, and web, reaching a broad audience.
Data Management: Allows for setting up data structures and relationships to manage app data.
Integration Capabilities: Easily connect to third-party services and APIs to enhance app features.


Learning Curve: While no-code, Adalo may have a learning curve, especially for complex app requirements.
Performance: App performance can be affected by extensive data handling or complex logic.
Pricing: Costs can increase with app complexity and scaling.
Vendor Lock-In: Migrating away from Adalo to a traditional codebase can be challenging.


Adalo offers different pricing tiers:

  • Free Plan: Free for testing and learning.
  • Starter Plan: $45/month, ideal for personal projects.
  • Professional Plan: $65/month, suitable for small businesses and startups.
  • Team Plan: $200/month, suitable for Freelancers & agencies.
  • Business Plan: $250/month, suitable for Enterprise & organizations.

Why use Adalo?

Adalo is an excellent choice for individuals and businesses seeking to create customized mobile and web applications without coding. Its user-friendly interface, flexibility, and multi-platform support make it suitable for various use cases, from prototyping and MVP development to building production-ready applications. If you have a specific app idea or a need for custom business tools, Adalo's no-code approach can help you bring your vision to life quickly and cost-effectively.

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